Ten Months!
Weight and height are a mystery!
I keep thinking that I should stop being so surprised that another month has gone by but I guess that when he's 15 years old I won't be exclaiming "oh my baby is 180 months old!". I am just going to enjoy the thrill and excitement that each month brings us for as long as I can. Month 10 came with lots of activity. Dylan is walking. Not just taking a few steps here and there but strolling around the house and just 2 days into month 11 he started standing up without holding onto anything. He picks up these things so quickly that he may be riding a bike by the end of the summer. Seriously.
Dylan likes to have something in his hand at all times and sometimes the same object can stay there for 2 hours or more. He holds onto things for so long that I start thinking that he has found something he's really grown attached to and will probably carry around until his 3rd birthday. Until it is put down for a few moments and then trying to hand it back brings out the rage. And the velociraptor scream. Thanks.
PS. Looks like we have another person to compete for the Sky Chair at the cottage.