You have to pretend you are reading this on Thanksgiving Monday. That's when I wrote it out but then I had issues uploading photos. Then I had the same trouble another 2 times! Argh! Read on.
Just after our Thanksgiving feast, we were reminded just how fragile our little anything-you-can-do-I-will-try-faster-and-more-death-defyingly kid is. All it took was Jay trying to guide him from the kitchen to the playroom after dinner and wham, something was wrong and we didn't know what. We figured out that he had hurt his shoulder, probably when he threw his whole body to the floor in protest and wriggled away from his Dad. He screamed and cried and his little arm just hung there limp. Our hearts sank. We discussed it for a minute or 2, called telehealth (who would call back in 30-45 minutes!), discussed it for another minute and flew out the door on the way to the hospital. After waiting for about 2 hours in the hospital the little lifeless arm seemed to be on it's way back to functioning. There were LOTS of sick kidlets in the waiting room so we decided we were better off dealing with it at home and we left. It was an adventure that reminded us all to be a little more careful and thankfully it wasn't worse.
Some pictures from earlier in the day.

As close as he would get to the sheep.

Drunk on turkey. At this poing Jay is chanting TRYPTOPHAN! TRYPTOPHAN! The joke was on us, this kid was perky until 10:00 when we got home from the hospital!

The next day and the arm is working just fine!