Five Months
Weight: 13 pounds 12 ounces
Length: 25 inches
Routine: ZERO
Our baby turned 5 months old this week. As far as growing goes, he didn't have a great month. He gained a measly 5 ounces, which has prompted us to start supplementing with one extra bottle per day. There could be many reasons for the lack of weight gain, my main suspicion is the fact that he never. stops. moving. Dylan loves seeing bright! colourful! toys! and his mobile gets him all riled up, squealing and kicking his feet up and down. The kicking is so powerful that if I'm downstairs it sounds like a group of grown men are moshing in the nursery.
Dylan is an extremely happy baby and all it takes is a smile to get one in return. He has learned that those long gangly things at his sides can be put to good use. He's mastered the reach-grab- put in the mouth action and suddenly we need to be on high alert at all times. Last night there was a near miss with a cup of tea that ended with the whole cup on the floor and today there was a dive bomb for a glass of water that spilled half the glass on the bed and left Dylan's face planted body in a heap on the mattress.
This month we also spent 4 days in Halifax. It was my first time to the East coast and it was such a tease to see this place during the cold, wet, windy winter. I could tell that it must be a beautiful place on a sunny summer day. It's also a place where you can tell there's history all around. I visited the Maritime Heritage Museum and saw the exhibit about the Halifax Explosion. I have seen the Canadian Heritage commercial about the explosion but let me tell you, the exhibit really makes you realize how huge of a catastrophe it was. There was a piece of steel from the ship that was about 5 inches thick and it looked like it was just torn away like paper.
On our last day we also visited the Immigration Museum, which is located at the actual pier where 1.5 million immigrants first landed between 1928 and 1971. The museum is set up to look like it would have to arriving immigrants. Some of the exhibits showed what people would be arriving with such as bags, trunks, childrens toys and prams. When I got home I asked Grandma about moving to Canada and she landed in Montreal. I asked how many trunks she brought with her but she couldn't remember. She did remember that she didn't think she should bring the pram but once she was one the ship there were lots of people with them and she wished she'd brought it. There were about 4 prams on display so I guess a lot of people brought them.
Photos from Halifax: