Raindrops on roses...
...whiskers on kittens...
Saturday, February 28, 2009
I feed the cats, brush my teeth, fill a glass of water and head upstairs to the computer. I sit down and cat #1 sneaks out through the cat door on the laundry room, ever wary of the dog. The dog pounces out of her hiding spot under the kitchen table. Then cat #2 sticks her head or a paw out of the door and pulls back just in time. The dog jumps at it, sticking her head through the cat door. I get up and step on the top stair and peer down. The dog glances at me a skulks away to the TV room. I ruin all the fun.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Oh. Crap.
I put Dylan down for his nap. After listening to him move around for a while I went in to see if I needed to flip him from his tummy to his back. This is what I found:
Abby has NEVER gone in the crib. I removed Iza from the bedroom before I closed the door because she does like to go in the crib although neither cat has ever gone into the crib when Dylan was in there.
Here's Abby, knowing that she is in trouble and trying to escape the angry Mama. Look at Dylan's face, he is so excited that the cat came to play with him:
What nap?
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Seven Months!
Weight: 16 pounds 6 ounces
Length: 27 inches
Dylan's diet has gone from 6 meals of tasteless milk per day to tasteless milk, tasteless rice cereal and completely unseasoned liquid vegetables and fruits. Yum. I love the look of surprise every time he starts to eat, like what is this flavour today? Oh ya, it's green beans. We had green beans on Saturday, now I remember. Dylan watches every bite of food we take into our mouths and opens his in anticipation. It's very cute and we often let him gum whatever we are having. His favourite baby food so far has been pears and prunes. His favourite Mommy and Daddy food has been pork tenderloin. His least favourite was broccoli.

Month seven came with an awesome surprise, about 5-6 weeks ago Dylan just started sleeping through the night. Every night. For TEN! HOURS! Then as the seventh month was coming to an end, he woke up. At 2:20am. And for the the last 4 nights of the month he was up at some point. It seems as though he's not really hungry, he has a little snack but is then eager to get going somewhere. Where? Well down to the floor, silly, he wants to get working on that crawling. I'm not even joking when I say that the baby has woken up and whined and squirmed and twisted until I've given up and placed him onto the floor, where he smiles and gets into position on all fours and begins the routine of rocking forward and back and lifting up and down. ~Sigh~ We nearly made it one month of sleep perfection.