And a year of memories have floated away on a breeze. I'm sure to forget but I hope I remember. One day, one week, one month slips away so easily into a year. I reeeaaallly want to type "and what a year it was" because I'm missing some creative gene that can think of anything better to say. But giant things happened this year! Things like moving, my cousin's engagement, co-MCing their wedding, my sister and neices' epic 34 day visit last summer, my two best friends had babies, another cousin is pregnant, my brother-in-law married, getting pregnant and then sadly miscarrying, my baby turned 3 and my baby started pre-school. Big! Huge! Year! Jay is still an amazing and proud business owner and entering into year 4! We're still getting the hang of the this parenting thing with many mistakes and many successes. I'm so so so proud of my biggest boy, he makes my heart swell and puts a smile on my face every single day.
Mr. GQ

Ryan and Darlene's wedding day!

The Harnest Family.
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