Thursday, January 13, 2011


One of my favourite things about this trip was seeing California decorated for Christmas. Unfortunately I was so busy keeping Sir Runs-into-traffic alive that I was not able to spend some time taking great photos. As I browsed through my photos I realized that this one taken at the aquarium is the only festive photo I took and it is blurry. BUT Dylan is sort of facing the camera. For the few minutes I made him sit there like a prop he had his body twisted around to watch the train circling the tree. Kerri and I are standing far enough back to get the whole tree in the shot and yelling to Scout and Dylan to look over. Not a great shot but a good memory.
He is definitely not a baby anymore.

Cousins on the play boat at the aquarium.

Keeping a tight hold on his new truck but not compromising his ability to expend energy.


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